
2024 GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has suggested raising the retirement age for future generations to collect Social Security and Medicare benefits. The problem with that is that life expectancy in the United States has actually decreased, not increased. Unless a social and economic framework is created where couples feel comfortable having lots of kids, funding entitlement programs will continue to be a problem.

So far I am not thrilled with the choices we have for 2024: an ex-president who partnered with domestic terrorists to stage a coup to overturn an election, a governor who has been trying to convert Florida into a fascist state, a sitting president who can't be convinced that he may be too old to run again and has noone waiting in the wings who could be an electable successor, and now someone who could be the voice of sanity, but instead wants to make it harder for people to retire. I'm not liking these choices, but in life one is often forced to choose the lesser evil.