1/7/20 The News-Dispatch & 1/8/20 The Herald-Argus

Unprecedented wildfires across Australia and other parts of the world indicate an ominous future in which such environmental catastrophes are the "new normal." Of course it isn't too late to prevent it from continuing, and there are certainly those who are doing their part to combat climate change. Unfortunately, the biggest obstacle to change are the sorts of politicians we have here in the U.S. and elsewhere who could care less whether their children and grandchildren will inherit a habitable planet to live on, preferring to line their pockets with financial bribes from the polluters. The politicians I find especially disturbing are the ones who hypocritically tout how they are "good Christians" (if you are in truth a "good Christian," you probably don't need to brag about it) when their support for polluters demonstrate their aggressive attempts to destroy what God has created.