5/30/19 The News-Dispatch & The Herald-Argus

Recent abortion laws in New York and Alabama highlight how extreme, polarizing views have hijacked the conversation.  It is now super-easy to get an abortion legally in New York, while in Alabama the law can now come after rape and incest victims who terminate their pregnancies, essentially re-victimizing the victims. Such cases are totally different from most cases where abortion is used as birth control, which is very tragic and disturbing. While I would never encourage abortion, in rape and incest cases the law certainly needs to have compassion on everyone involved. I also believe it's more productive to put funding into assisting future mothers who are financially vulnerable than simply pretending that outlawing it will make abortion go away. Until more expectant mothers believe that there is a social and economic safety net for them to carry their babies to term, sadly many innocent lives will continue to be lost, whether abortion is legal or illegal.