President Trump's new Chief of Staff, retired Marine 4-star General John Kelly has been trying to set certain restrictions on who has access to him and what kind of media Trump consumes. So far, I think it's had a positive effect - there have been fewer tweet storms since Kelly took over and Trump no longer is making daily headlines with outrageous behavior. It seems people like reality-star Omarosa would show up and show the president certain media to "trigger" him into publicly lashing out and becoming the headline. Her access has since been limited under Kelly's advisement. Other, more radical, divisive influences such as Steve Bannon have been dismissed from duty as well, leading to Oompa-Loompas singing, dancing and doing cartwheels in the streets among other things. Lastly, Trump has been discouraged from a media diet simply consisting of those who adore him on Fox News to look to additional media sources to get a more objective viewpoint and also an idea of where he stands with his critics and why. Kudos to Kelly, and I disagree with those who have left the Trump Administration out of principle...the man needs to be surrounded by sane people who will give him good advice. This administration particularly does not need an exodus of the proverbial adults from the room.