Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is trying to "pivot" away from the primary battle with Bernie Sanders, to deal with the Republican nominee, Donald Trump. Her poll numbers against Trump have dropped in the past month or so to where the election is now a virtual tie. Looking in my crystal ball, I am not optimistic she can pull off a victory in November, as thus far, she seems to just be coasting. Clinton has been on the defensive concerning her email scandal (and other scandals) which seem to stick. Hillary is not the best candidate for the presidency by any stretch of the imagination; but the inexperience, recklessness, authoritarian tendencies, and lack of respect Donald Trump shows to all who oppose his flip-flopping views makes her the safest option by default. I wouldn't expect an American "golden age" under Hillary Clinton, but it's certainly a better alternative than the chaos a Trump presidency would probably unleash: the rounding up of Mexicans, the persecution of Muslims, and accompanying protests and riots, abandoning NATO to Russia (which is why Putin likes Trump) and the Middle East to ISIS by alienating Muslim allies and through isolationism, and the US military engaging once again in war crimes and torture (worse than waterboarding, we have been promised), etc., etc. The only saving grace of a Trump administration is that at the end of the day it would definitely be entertaining.