12/24/13 The News-Dispatch & The Herald-Argus

It isn't often I will attempt to preach, but I have observed an uptick in atheism in the past decade, much of which I believe is owed to the politicization of religion and "culture wars," the increasing social isolation of modern life, and the disproportionate, hegemonic influence of anti-faith media figures like Bill Maher and shows like South Park and Family Guy. Suddenly you find people who think they are going against the grain by being atheists, when they are actually just being culturally conditioned.

Add to all this that people's hopes of job stability and economic success are increasingly jeopardized by job-eliminating, human-replacing technological "creations."  These are man-made, as are most problems. I hold that 90% of the world's troubles would go away if people, especially Christians, actually lived the way Jesus taught.

 Why rush to dismiss the possibility of a pleasant afterlife or of justice for those who do not and likely will not find it here? An intellectual pride that supersedes even the basest instinct for one's spirit to survive beyond the grave or to be with one's loved ones in eternity, and a wanting to indulge in vice without accountability seem to be the obvious answers. Then there are those who coldly demand proof (which does exist -many people have come back from the dead to report heaven and hell experiences) - which is to entirely miss the point.