3/24/10 The News-Dispatch

I am happy health care reform is becoming a reality. I would say to those upset with it, "Hey, leave the country if you don't like it," but there are virtually no advanced, industrialized countries to move to that do not have some form of socialized medicine or a health care system that the government hasn't "taken over". Apparently, the Canadians, British and the wealthier countries of Europe suffer under Communist repression - who'd have known? I guess we in the U.S. were the last domino to fall. To move to a nation whose health care system is left wholly to the unfettered free market, look in the third world.

I have a solution, though, to their angst. Anyone refusing to pay into the new system should be free not to, but then they also can reap none of the benefits and may continue to be taken advantage of. So when they lose their job, they and their family can lose their insurance altogether; or if they or their children have a pre-existing condition, they may continue to be denied coverage. Also their premiums can continue to skyrocket without limit while ours is capped.  I say if you talk the talk, then walk the walk. Just because you don't think you or your family need a safety net, and trust the dragon in the above cartoon doesn't mean the rest of us should also be forced to suffer.